Upshur Rural
Electric Cooperative
Serving East Texans
since 1937.
Outage Updates: At this time, there are no updates to share.
Whether you are a new or existing member, it is easy to turn your power on. Simply visit our office at 1200 W. Tyler Street in Gilmer or call a Member Service Representative at 903.843.2536 or 800.259.2536 to start the process.

To Start or Transfer Your Service
To start your service or change a name on your service, have the following information ready when you call or come by our office:
The service and mailing address
Phone numbers
Driver’s license
Social Security number
Date of birth
To Install Service at a New Location
This process involves several steps, so be sure to contact Upshur Rural as soon as possible to allow time for the design and construction of your service. You will need to have the following information ready when you call or come by our office:
The service and mailing address
Phone numbers
Driver’s license
Social Security number
Date of birth
The closest meter number to your location, if available
Once we have the above information, we will have a Staking Engineer visit your property to determine the requirements and your cost. Once the required easements are completed (if needed) and you have paid any aid to construction costs (if any), we will schedule construction on your property.
To Change Your Existing Service
Listed below is the information we need in order to upgrade your service:
The service and mailing address
Driver’s license number or Social Security number
A Member Service Representative will create a service order and a Staking Engineer will visit your location to determine the requirements and your cost. Once the required easements are completed (if needed) and you have paid any aid to construction costs (if any), we will schedule the upgrade to your property.
Relocate or Remove Existing Electric Equipment
Removing or relocating existing electrical equipment is at the discretion of the cooperative. If you want something changed, the member needs to call or come by our office with the following information:
Your account information
What your electrical needs are
A Member Service Representative will create a service order and a Staking Engineer will visit your location to determine the requirements and your cost. Once the required easements are completed (if needed) and you have paid any cost associated with the change (if any), then we will schedule the changes we have agreed upon.
To Cancel Service
To discontinue service with Upshur Rural Electric, the member must call or come by our office. The following information is required:
The service address, meter number or account number
Two forms of personal identification
The date electric service should be discontinued
Your forwarding address