Upshur Rural
Electric Cooperative
Serving East Texans
since 1937.
URECC Power Providers
URECC is a distribution cooperative. This means URECC does not produce power for its member-owners. It buys wholesale power from generation sources then distributes the power to members throughout the service area.
Below is a breakdown of the URECC power portfolio.
URECC Purchased Power
40% - Blended Sources * from NTEC and ETEC
30% - SWEPCO
20% - Harrison County Power Plant **
and other power sources
through ETEC
10% - Hydro*** Power through ETEC.
* BLENDED SOURCES is a combination of solar, wind, hydro, gas, and coal generated power.
** The HARRISON COUNTY POWER PLANT is a 570-megawatt (MW) operating gas-fired power station outside of Marshall, owned by ETEC and NTEC..
*** HYDRO POWER is produced by hydro-electric dams, such as the Narrows dam in Murfreesboro, Arkansas or the Livingston Dam in Livingston, Texas.
The Livingston hydro-electric dam on Lake Livingston in Texas
Picture above: The Harrison County Power Plant in Marshall, Texas.
East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ETEC)
Formed in 1987, a group of 10 East Texas electric cooperatives pooled their resources to achieve a common goal: providing safe, reliable, affordable power to their members under the banner of East Texas Electric Cooperative (ETEC). TEC owns the Harrison County Power Plant.
Members of ETEC :
Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative
Bowie Cass Electric Cooperative
Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative
Houston County Electric Cooperative
Jasper Newton Electric Cooperative
Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative
Wood County Electric Cooperative
Rusk County Electric Cooperative
Sam Houston Electric Cooperative
Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NTEC) Located in the heart of East Texas, NTEC is a Generation and Transmission (G&T) Electric Cooperative headquartered in Longview TX. NTEC serves six distribution cooperative members located in 20 counties in TX and two parishes in LA. NTEC serves those six members through a blend of owned resources and contracts with various power suppliers.
-Owns 11.72% of the total plant or 79 MW of Pirkey Power Plant in Hallsville.
-Owns 5.86% of the total plant or 38 MW of a lignite power plant, Dolet Hills, located in Mansfield, LA.
- Owns 55% of total plant or 302 MW of combined cycle natural gas fired Harrison County Power Project located in Marshall, TX.
-Owns 50.6 MW of the wind power project located in Grant County, OK.
-Redbed Plains Wind Farm
Located approximately 25 miles southwest of Oklahoma City. The Project has an 8.3 m/s wind resource (at 93 meters) that is supported by a wind monitoring program with over 79 months of on-site data
Members of NTEC :
Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative
Panola Harrison Electric Cooperative
Bowie-Cass Electric Cooperative
Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative
Wood County Electric Cooperative
Rusk County Electric Cooperative
Pirkey Power Plant in Hallsville, Texas.
VIP's tour the Harrison County Power Plant.
Photos of the Redbed Plains wind farm in Grant, Oklahoma.