Upshur Rural
Electric Cooperative
Serving East Texans
since 1937.
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East Texas Leadership Camp

Each year, Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative joins eight other east Texas cooperatives in sponsoring the East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS). URECC offers an all-expenses-paid trip for 10 students who are attending a high school in the URECC service area to ETREYS.
While at ETREYS students participate in workshops, seminars, and peer group activities that range from leadership development to pure entertainment. Speakers from all walks of life including nationally-known personalities, athletes, and professional leaders take part in the daily sessions. Additionally, each student has a chance to compete for thousands in college scholarship funds.
Established in 1988, the mission of ETREYS is to foster positive ideas and values among young people and to enhance skills in leadership, problem-solving and interpersonal relationships. Participating cooperatives include Bowie-Cass, Cherokee County, Deep East, Houston County, Jasper-Newton, Panola-Harrison, Rusk County, Upshur Rural, and Wood County.
Participants must be either a sophomore or junior and are selected on the basis of overall excellence and involvement in extracurricular activities including leadership positions, academic awards, etc.
For more information or if you have questions, please contact us at 903-843-2536 or email us at
To apply, download the application below. Applications are due no later than March 28th!